Let me start off this blog with two quotes about my wonderful, beautiful and ridiculously amazing friends:
A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.
Leo Buscaglia
And I have six lovely senoritas in my life that I can call my friends, so you can imagine how full my world really is.
Friends are the sunshine of life.
John Hay
And they really are the sunshines of my life when my sky seems so overcast and gray... and when the sun does shine, well then they are what makes the days seem so much brighter and even more amazing.
So, while I should be planning for my lesson tonight, here I am writing a blog about my friends once again because I have been blessed with THE most incredible women that anyone could ever find in the whole entire world. And so how do I know that they are the most fantastic individuals that have ever been born on this whole planet? Well, here we go:
She encourages you to go to the gym with her by calling you a fat cow if you do not go and sweat yourself silly at 7:30 in the morning - now, this might not sound funny at first, but it IS when you get to call HER a fat cow if she does not go to the gym either! So, the fact that you can call each other huge heifers and moo at one another if neither of you go to the gym is incredibly hilarious and not meant to hurt each other in the slightest... and she still tells you that you are beautiful anytime that you see her. She does not get angry at you either when you are constantly flaking out on her when you are supposed to be going to the gym together and she accepts that you are trying so hard to do just that but are being hindered by lack of sleep...
She also knows how you are and tells it to you straight when you are thinking of doing stupid and silly things that are not good for you in the slightest - and then does not get mad at you when you do not listen to her because you are as foolish as you know and think you are. Not only that, but she job hunts FOR you when you tell her that being a teacher is perhaps not what you are meant to be... and then she finds you a job posting that combines the art of teaching with the ability to make people feel beautiful while working with children... WOW...
She patiently listens to you rant, rail, whine, complain and confess your misdeeds and then responds by telling you very sweetly: "I do not agree with what you are doing, but I will not yell at you or scream at you and I will be there for you no matter what" in that gloriously soft and matter-of-fact voice of hers. And then she hugs you very tightly the next time she sees you and tells you that she only wants what is best for you.
She goes to a salsa lesson when she had not felt like going to begin with and she mostly attends FOR you... and not only that, but she does in fact stay at the club with you for a little while because she knows you are crazy and need to dance - of course, it helps that the lesson was being held THERE to begin with, but you know she would have come upstairs with you even if it was just for a short while.
She begins to party with you in the hopes of getting super drunk because she is dealing with stuff of her own, and yet she stops drinking when she sees that you have become so completely sloshed that you are not making any sense at all - she then cleans up after you when you have lost your dinner in your bed, strips the linens from the bed and places them in the wash, tells you to take a shower and stands outside the door while asking you periodically if you are ok in there, picks out the most comfy flannel pajamas you own, and then tucks you into bed - meanwhile, need I repeat that she is coping with her own shit and that this is the SECOND time that she takes care of you while you are entirely too inebriated to even remember your own name nevermind the reason why you ingested all of that alcohol to begin with? And may I also mention that TWO drunken nights are now owed to her from yours truly.
She also plans a summer in England with you even though you are a completely neurotic and crazy individual - but you both know that you would have SUCH a blast together and you are both so convinced of this fact that you are ready to jump on a plane together the very next day if it was not for work, school and life obligations. Watch out all you British men out there with your sexy accents!! WOMAN, you know it's true!!
After a day spent at the ER, she comes and sees you bearing a Cadbury Creme Egg, an oatmeal cookie, the best hug ever and the most beautiful smile; you are beyond happy that she is there and that she did not listen to your halfhearted protestations because you had wanted to spare her the screaming man in the back and the chatterbox sitting next to you. She even stays in the waiting room while you are finally being seen by the doctor; then she comes to embrace you when she sees you standing there outside the room in a flimsy gown feeling as vulnerable as a newborn with your nerves having been frayed to bits because you are STILL waiting for that doctor. And even though she had made previous plans with other friends, she only leaves you when she knows you are ok.
She invites you to a chalet she has the opportunity of staying at because she knows that you need to get away from your life even if it is only for a very short while - and what a getaway it will be with two gorgeous and wonderfully kind and charming men, my beautiful and amazingly silly English mate with the most incredible laugh and, if she comes, my laugh-till-my-sides-hurt soul sister, Steph.
She makes sure that it is ok that she invites her new boyfriend over because she knows that it might be a sensitive issue for you, but when you let her know that you would rather she be there WITH him than not be there at all, she verifies that you are still good if she does in fact decide to go to his house just for convenience sake.
She makes sure that you are doing well and lets you know that she is there for you if you need to talk or if you just want to watch tv or a movie with her and she even gives you your space when you respond that you just wanna write a blog and listen to some sappy music (which, by the way, she has NOT complained about, though sappy music has been blaring since last week !!).
She hugs you as though you have not seen each other in ages EVERY time you DO see one another and these are some of the most amazing embraces because they are so genuine and heartfelt! And, have I mentioned that these hugs are like beer on tap ?? You just have to ask for another and there it is!
She THANKS YOU when all you have done is listen to her and offer some of your perhaps less than sound advice; of course, she gives you the same opportunity to spill your own beans any time you need to.
I cannot express how wonderful it is to know that I can count on my chicitas to provide me with either the comfort and love I need when I am feeling less than my fabulous self or to offer me the very best times of my life. I am one of THE luckiest women in the world by far for being able to say that these women are a part of my life.
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