Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Mustard, Less Ketchup

Us humans, the amazing creatures that we are, are multi-talented in so many ridiculous ways;  for example, take yours truly: I can walk to the Metro, letting the blissful Spring sun warm up my still chilly from Winter face, smoke, drink my French Vanilla and answer my "Black and Yellow" blaring cellphone, albeit a little clumsily and with cigarette ash flying in my face, all at the same bloody time.  AND, I might have been listening to my Ipod too, but I had not plugged myself in yet... that came AFTER I answered my phone.  We, as the advanced species that we are, can send our scientists into outer space, create atomic bombs that have the capacity to wipe out our whole existence and we also have the ability to mass produce magical little pills that give impotent sixty and plus year old men back their virile youths.  Hell, we can even have sex, pretending to be enjoying ourselves while we mentally go over the day's events, create To Do lists and wonder why we did not do that load of laundry.  We are evolved, intelligent and productive beings that can accomplish so many great and mundane feats and yet, when it comes to doing something as simple as telling another person exactly how we feel and what we are really thinking, most of us, if not all of us, are fumbling around in the dark, unable to make that most basic of human connections.

How is it that after a whole early and late morning of seemingly incredible and flowing conversation and an admittedly difficult to coordinate date, if I can attach that label to our outing, he was unable to tell me that he had lost interest?  Because, as far as I could tell, and as much as he had said himself, there had been something there... unless he was lying to begin with to save my feelings?  In our day and age where there are so many various forms of communication, from emailing, chatting to text messaging, all he had to do was pick one and  explain himself.  Funny how there are numerous different ways of speaking to people, but it seems as though we are talking less and less to one another and leaving so much more space for unnecessary interpretation.

After some bullshit speech, which I am unhappy to report I bought into hook, line and sinker, about how individuals nowadays are not treating each other with kindness and respect anymore, how is it that he didn't even have the decency of responding to text messages?  How is it that he could say that he would let me know later on if he was available for a potential encounter at Hurley's and then not have the heart or guts to let me know that he could not or did not want to?  Was it any better to leave me hanging any time I attempted a friendly hello or suggested the possibility of a coffee?  What's the deal?  Was he not capable of saying something like, "Look, we had a great time the other night/day, but I am no longer interested in getting to know you."  Simple, no?  Instead, he took the easy way out, preferring to excuse his selfish and disrespectful behavior with the too often used "I'm too busy" card.  Right.  I have six part-time jobs that do take up quite a lot of my time and energy, but I still managed to make an effort.

Why can't two people, well more specifically a man and a woman, just be honest with each other?  Why does there always seem to be an element of game playing involved?  I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me a game of Monopoly or Cranium, but for Christ's sake, why can't we just call a spade a spade when it comes to matters between members of the opposite sex?  A man who is genuinely interested in you, and perhaps the operative word here is genuinely, should show you that and not make you feel silly or out of line when you are attempting to do the same - if not, fuck off.

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