Sunday, December 19, 2010

Plenty of Fish?

So, I am on a dating site... have been for a little less than a week.  Let me begin by saying how skeptical I am about the whole thing - I am very skeptical about the whole thing.  My best friend convinced me to create a profile though and so I did.  Thus, I am out there.  On a dating site.  It always seemed to me that these things were sort of a last resort... and am I at my last resort already after almost and only three months of being single?  God I hope not...

And, the short time I have spent on this web-site has gotten me to muse and ponder over the great mysteries of this dating world that I have entered.  First, are there really plenty of fish in the sea as the site so blatantly claims?  So far, it seems like there are plenty of potential losers in the sea... but what can you really know of a person from a profile created for a dating site?

Second, what are the rules and guidelines one must follow when what you are seeing and reading is completely divorced from a tangible reality?  Ok, yes, do not worry - I know that you do not invite a man to your house... I am blond but not THAT intellectually challenged!  What I mean though is, do you email first and how many before you meet?  What message or vibe are you sending a guy if you instant message each other?  Do you call that person if given a telephone number?  In this scary technological world of ours, what is a single gal to do?

How can you follow your heart if all you are doing is looking at a pic and then emailing each other or creating a space with words on a fictional platform?  Have I mentioned how skeptical I am of all this?

In this muddle of chatting, texting, emailing,instant messaging, googling, Facebooking... where is that energy created by two physical bodies meeting each other?  And let me tell you something, you have to be pretty damn good with words in order to convey what a charming, witty and sexy woman you are.  Because really, in the end, all anyone is getting from this whole experience are just that, words.  Words that are prettied and gussied up in order to entice and lure...

And what of the expectations that are lined up and set sky high as a result?  Phew, do not even get me STARTED on that!

On the other hand, is this cyber dating world any different from the at times even scarier actual and physical one?  Not really.  Except when you meet someone for the first time, you sort of see what you are getting right away instead of building up such anticipation.

With all of that having been said, there are a few potential not-so-loser-ish men who have contacted me and I might go on my first date next week... he likes Yeh! yogurt, so he might be a keeper!

At the very least, some very interesting and funny blogs might come out of this whole experience!

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